Thinking Like a Film Director is for
Like entrepreneurs, film directors dream of taking their ideas and bringing them to life to share with audiences around the world. But how exactly do they do that?
What tools do they use to turn intangible ideas into the real, unseen worlds into the seen, the vague into the specific, and the mass of creative and technical work that is a movie into definable, executable actions?
And perhaps most importantly, how do they bring together a diverse and specialized team to focus on and realize a shared, precise vision?
Thinking Like A Film Director workshops look at how scripts, storyboards, breakdowns, schedules and other film production tools ensure this successful transformation from imagination to screen, and demonstrates how these tools can be transferred from the creative world of the film maker to the creative world of the entrepreneur.
A chance to look at your business through a different lens, this workshop will help you define the story you wish to tell about your product, service or idea and in the process, expand and articulate a corporate vision that matters.
Thinking Like a Film Director is for
For many organizations, one of the key challenges is in aligning the energies and enthusiasm of the board, staff, volunteers and community into one singular, focused vision of an organization that matters.
Passionate intentions still require strategic planning to make change happen and to transform what is into what could be.
Film directors also have the challenge of taking their ideas and vision and bringing them to life to share with audiences around the world. But how exactly do they do make it happen? What tools do they use to turn intangible ideas into the real, the vague into the specific, unseen worlds into the seen, and the mass of creative and technical work that is a movie into definable, executable actions?
And perhaps most importantly, how do they bring together a diverse and specialized team to focus on and realize a shared, precise vision?
Thinking Like A Film Director workshops looks at how scripts, storyboards, breakdowns, schedules and other film production tools ensure this successful transformation from imagination to screen, and demonstrates how these tools can be transferred from the creative world of the film maker to the creative world of an organization.
A chance to look at your organization through a different lens, this workshop will help you define the story you wish to tell about your purpose, service or idea and in the process, expand and articulate an organizational vision that matters.
Thinking Like a Film Director is for
Putting together a collective vision for a town, village or community can be a challenging process, especially with so many different interests, perspectives and internal and external factors to consider.
In many explorations and discussions it comes down to the question, “What does our community look like in five or ten years? What kind of a place is it? How do we interact within it as students, athletes, artists, entrepreneurs and diverse residents and guests.
What is our experience look like as citizens of this place?
With this same passion for curiosity and creation of worlds that do not yet exist, film directors dream of taking their ideas and vision and bringing them to life to share with their audiences. But how exactly do they make it happen? What tools do they use to turn intangible ideas into the real, the vague into the specific, unseen worlds into the seen, and the mass of creative and technical work that is a movie into definable, executable actions?
And perhaps most importantly, how do they bring together a diverse and specialized team to focus on and realize a shared, precise vision?
In a Thinking Like A Film Director workshop, participants collectively articulate their visions into a shared collaborative script and storyboard and from that desired outcome, rich in illustrated personal experience, a desired vision is created. From that vision, filmmaking tools and metaphors are used to take something distant and unrealized into a plan of action, timelines and details.
A chance to look at communities through a different lens, this workshop will help you define the story you wish to tell about where you live and in the process, expand and articulate a community vision that matters.